PRamlee Audition

P Ramlee the Musical is back again

Audition For P Ramlee The Musical

Sunday 23rd March
2pm to 6pm

Thursday 27th March
11am to 4pm

at 10 on 10 studio ampang.(near Ampang point on top of Linda Onn's Mom's Chicken Rice shop Map to linda onn's restaurant). Please come with songs to sing and dress comfirtably to dance and act.must be available to start rehearsals from 1st week of April. Must be able to dance, sing and act and with valid travel documents for Singapore's performances.

Shows at Esplanade Singapore and Istana Budaya Kuala Lumpur (2nd Run) are from 12th May to 15th June. for more infos please call :Edd 016 369 4379 or Zeqhty 017 284 4726


jinggo said...


Butaseni@Wan Raja said...

aku nak jadi tompel

artisticklytouch said...

Liza Hanim kata dia nak aku ganti dia jadi saloma sebab dia pregnant!

Natra said...

jinggo ;): boleh1...boleh blah hahahah

butaseni: cukuplah dah ada adlin kat produksi tu..tak nak tambah lagi seorang lat produksi yang sebiji cam dia huhuhuhu ;(

artisticklytouch: r u sure?

ryann said...

hai...zeqhty.transit di sini seketika.kiranya terluang...tontonlah teater stefani topeng topeng arahan fauziah

jinggo said...

mami oooiiii...
apa cita.....

tegezoot said...

aku nak jadi tompel bleh? butaseni tak layak sebab gigi dia kecik, aku gigi ngam!

Natra said...

ryann: thanx for droping by. Terima kasih kerana menjemput saya. Minta maaf mungkin saya tak dapat hadir. walau bagaimanapun, break a leg for the show dan kirim salam kat ibu. Lama tak jumpa dia ;)

jinggo: yang terbaru pasal aku.. aku dah tembam waaaaa :(

tegezoot: tak yah perasaan & jgn berangan. duduk jer kat hotel tu buat kerja artis. Harap gigi jer lepas..hehehe watpe ;P

tegezoot said...
